How to heal on a physical and emotional level so that you can feel delicious in your body
The health ascension experience is going to teach you how you can learn to master your health. Once you have an understanding of the roles of food and emotions in the body and how to work WITH it an it not against it then you understand how to be healthy.
So many women are disconnected with their bodies. Battling with their bodies and fighting so hard to feel delicious in their skin. Which only brings more disconnection.
We are not connected to our essence and our bodies. It is time to bring you back into your body so that you can heal and thrive from love.
And I want to guide you to do your own inner realization and recognize that you are the powerful creator of your health and your experience. It is all coming through you.
When you are able to deeply understand your body on a physical and emotional level only then can you have health.

We will be covering:
- The connection between emotions and the physical body and how this impacts your health
- How emotions get stored in the body and understanding how to release them
- Why feminine energy plays such a massive role in our health
- The food we eat carrying the frequency for healing
- How to activate your food so that it becomes healing
- What it means to remove guilt and shame from the body and becoming worthy
- Learning to cultivate deep self love and it's role in healing
- How your hormones are connected to your emotional health and the energetic roots of fertility PCOS & more.
- How emotions are stored in your gut and how to foster your gut physically and energetically
- How clear skin is a combination of emotions and supporting the organs tied to them
- How weight becomes difficult to lose and what you actually need to look at if you feel stuck
- How you can connect back with your body and start co creating the health you desire
When you join you get access to:
- Replay of the workshop